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map of mission

People from Zimbabwe are Golden!

December 3 2018

Howzit? My whole body is crying right now, and by that, I mean I am sweating in ways I never thought imaginable.

Things right now are kinda slow because a lot of the people in our teaching pool have disappeared, or they just don't want us visiting anymore. We have spent some time tracting lately, and that really isn't fun in the sun. This week has FLOWN by though, so I guess when you are having fun, the time really does fly. I mean, it isn't really the funnest thing in the world, but c'mon. You know what I'm saying.

We met a lady from Zim, and when we visited her to teach her, she stays with a plethora of other ladies from Zim! So we can pretty much consider them baptized already because the people from Zimbabwe are always golden investigators. 

We taught another lady who is from the Congo and she speaks French and Swahili. We had to teach really slowly through a translator, and they were just laughing the whole time and I had no idea what was going on.

Transfers are coming up next week and Me and Elder Atkinson are hoping to stay together. We have been finding a lot of success, and it would be nice to spend Christmas with someone I have already gotten used to, ya feel?

1. We will probably grab some Schwarmma at a local place called Honchos. It is actually really nice, I think I like them more than burritos. That is all we can really do though, I don't have money so we can never do anything fun ;/
2. Yeah, so.... I wrote in the morning for about 10 seconds and then I got kicked off, so Later in the day I was allowed to use a ward members computer to finish. I usually write around 2 or 3 hours since the internet sucketh.
3. Grocery shopping messes with my brain because the Rand value is so low, so everything appears so high. Try buying honey for what looks like 50 dollars lol. There are entire aisles dedicated to drinks and candy. The people here are big on cool drink, which is soda, and also beer...
4. Elder Atkinson is from Washington, and we get along SUPER well. We are actually hoping to stay together another transfer, that would be cool. Then we would get to celebrate our birthdays together! He has been out for 10 more months than me. I'll be at 14 months when he goes home. also, he is getting mail like crazy, I don't understand.
5. For breakfast this morning I had porridge. Can you believe that? After all these years of complaining about malt o meal, I'm eating porridge as a regular routine. Ace instant porridge is SO GOOD! And cheap. If I don't have that, I will usually eat Wheat bix, and I don't know how to explain what that is. Maybe just look it up?
6. I don't know how to interpret this, but I'm gonna assume you are talking about the place that a lot of people work at, and if that is the case, Then it is bluff meats for sure. Literally right by our boarding is this HUGE store that only sells meat. The place is always packed with people and so many people work there. Africans sure do like their braai!
7.  Shoes are doing great! Totally worth the wads of cash that I paid to get them! I am sure they will last me till the end of my mission. I might even get some for hiking when I get back.

It is getting even hotter here, which I guess is nice because I haven't been homesick for Christmas, mainly because it doesn't feel like it. 

Anyways, pray for me to find comfort swimming through this hummid air!
love youz guys!
-Elder Moser

p.s. My favorite quote now is "it is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent"

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