map of mission

map of mission

Lots to be Thankful for these days

JAMBO JAMBO!! (That's Swahili. Yeah, I guess I'm learning that too)
November 26, 2018

WHAT... A crazy week this has been. 

To start off, Yvonne has been reading the Book of Mormon like a maniac. Earlier this week, she was in 1st Nephi, and then 2 DAYS LATER she was in the middle of Alma. She is getting baptized soon soon.

Me and Elder Atkinson are getting in the habit of saying everything 2x. The people here do that, and it is kinda an annoying thing for me to do, just because I am now conscious about it.

We had two baptisms yesterday. Dwayne Allen and Amissa Nyakura. The baptism went quite swell and They both asked me to give a talk, so I kinda had to write it in the middle of sacrament meeting. It was sweet and to the point. Both of them were so happy after getting dunked in the water.

We had zone conference with Elder Koch, one of the General Authorities in the Africa South East Presidency. He is a very very straight man, and as it turns out he is from Brazil so it was fun listening to him and his wife's accents. It was a combined Conference with the Durban, Hillcrest and Richards Bay zones, so there was around 50 missionaries and 100 fun. 

Thanksgiving din-din was Panarotti's, an all you can eat pizza place. Me and my comp both downed 15 slices of pizza, and just when we thought we could not feel any worse, we went to McDankies and got large shakes to fill in any nook and crany that was not filled yet. THEN we continued to walk around 2ish miles back home, and The way I was feeling almost brought me to my knees. We literally ate until we wished we were dead.

Well, This Thanksgiving season and Christmas season is going to be one that will open our hearts to the Lord and everything that he is helping us with. We have seen it so many times everyday, The tender mercies we are given. One thing I can really say I am thankful for is my increasing love and testimony for the Gospel. The past months I have been here on mission have really touched my heart and increased my knowledge, and that alone has made this experience the best.

Love youz guys! Chow! (That is also Swahili)
-Elder Moser

1. Hey. Look what this sign says. This is actually a really popular name here.
2. See our faces? That is what we call a broken smile, as we struggle getting our ice cream down on thanksgiving day.
3. The Durban Zone
4. Baptismzzz...Mishinnnnn...

POSTDATE: Update on remaining missionaries

March 25, 2020 Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders:   We want to give you an update on your missionary and the circumstances here in the ...