map of mission

map of mission


March 18, 2019

Whats up fammmmmm? Sorry for not sending emails for the past couple weeks. I have kinda been awol, but At least I got to call my momma last week, so that was much needed:)

So my new companion Elder Da Silva and I have been getting along super well. What is better is we have been putting in the work and we will be having 2 baptisms on the 30th! 

We had a really cool experience with an investigator where he wanted to go to the beach but something told him he needed to go to church instead, so he started looking for a church to go to. He passed I think 4 or so churches before he gave up and decided to go to the store to get a drink. When he Passed our church he had a prompting that it was the one he needed to go to. Since then, he knows everything in the church is true and is ready to enter the waters.

My comp and I had a few instances this week that really tried our faith and our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the church in General. We were bold in our talking and even confounded a few people. It is sad to see how a lot of educated people treat religion like the Pharisees. it reminds me of the passage in 2 Nephi 9 That talks about "to be learned is good if you hearken to the council of God." Reading that verse has really strengthened my testimony this last week. Although I may not be the smartest, if I hearken to God's council, everything will be okay.

Love you all! Find joy in the small things and enjoy your weeks:)
-Elder Moser


March 4, 2019

hey mum

Sorry that I didn't say anything last week, all missionaries in my area were not able to email because the servers were down, so we weren't able to email anybody. I tried calling porter and Elise and Nathan because I figured they would be awake to answer my calls. I didn't get to do anything so it was pretty dumb.

This last week has been so hot. It is the hottest that anybody here has ever experienced. The Lord is giving us power to walk through this heat. I know it. You should look up how hot it has been lately.

Love you mumsy!

Bluff Zone Conference

Elder Moser

February 23, 2019

Kip G Thompson

Sat, Feb 23, 11:42 AM (8 days ago)
to meSister
Sister Moser,

I went to meet with Elder Moser today and discussed the situation with his cousin.  Not surprisingly, he was quite sad with the news.  We prayed together and I spent some time teaching with him and his companion.  I offered to connect him with you by phone today.  He suggested tomorrow would be better.

Please know that he is a great missionary.  He has grown so much and has become a marvelous missionary.  You would be so proud of him

All the best,

President Thompson

John Dudley Moser
September 14, 1993-February 21, 2019

We can be on Facebook!

February 18, 2019

Sooooo yeah. I can be on facebook now to talk to people, so if anybody wants to stay up late and wake up early, that is the only way we can talk haha.

This week went by so fast that I feel like I blinked and it is gone now. All our investigators are either moving or going to college now so we have to restock our teaching pool.

This email has to be short because We BUSY

Toodles. Love you all.
-Elder Moser

I'm fat now

February 11, 2019

So, I had a guy point out to me in church yesterday say I am fat now. to quote him he said, "YO Moser! You're fat now! Like, don't get offended, I'm just saying it how it is"

You can probably imagine my struggle for a response haha.

Anyhow, things on mission are SUPER great right now. We are trying to be obedient and we are talking to a lot more people. Last week we even got into a house with a multi millionaire named Zane. He is lost with God, and he was super receptive to our message. We also spent some time this morning teaching an old Indian couple in a hardware store that they own so that was pretty unique. While we were there I gave a blessing to an old man and the old Indian guy (because he is from a happy clappy church) said some things while I was giving the blessing that startled me haha.

Yesterday we were talking to a girl who lives right next to us named Chantina. We introduced the family Proclamation and read from it with her and it really testified to me how you can't get this kind of spiritual nourishment from any other church on the earth. I have really realized that as well from all the 7th day Adventists that we run into as well. We are really the only church that encourages others to rely on the spirit to find answers, and I just really respect that.

There is so much that I could say and just not enough time, so just I know that I am so happy right now, even though I am melting like the wicked witch in my seat right now. I look like I am glowing everywhere from the beaded sweat, and my shirts are getting tinted. Mission is so fun haha.

Love you all! Have a great week! And no Elise, I haven't forgotten about you. love you lots c:

-Elder Moser


My beautiful area in Kwazulu-Natal!

 #1 LOOK AT THIS ANIMAL!! Dats a crane!

Awake and Arise!

February 4, 2019


Elder Moser here. Had a really good week.

We have been trying really hard to be obedient and talk to as many people as we can. One thing I realize we have been doing wrong is talking to people just to fill up our week with appointments. What I am trying now is to teach people on the spot. Wet their tongue and then come back with the main dish. It has been working beautifully. I have also tried being myself a lot lately. As missionaries, I feel like we try to be something that is unnatural and just not us. The lord has given us gifts and special personalities to in turn bless others lives. Missionary work works much better when we are ourselves. Respectfully.

We were walking to an appointment when suddenly this woman said "Elders?" and then we B-lined towards her and asked how she knew us. Legend has it, she was taught by missionaries 16 years ago in Kwa Dabeka, but then she lost contact with them and joined the Roman Catholic church. We are super excited because we have an appointment with her tomorrow!

We had a Zone Conference this last week and President Thompson said "Awake and arise! and Be MEN!" For some reason that really started a fire in me. I am so happy on mission right now.

We were walking to another appointment, when this 16 year old girl asked for my number haha. I gave her our number and her little sister texted me later saying "are you the cute white boy that walked past us? My sister is hoping she can date you" 

One last thing! Remember Beverly that was about to get baptized but then moved to Zimbabwe right as everything there was falling apart? SHE MOVED BACK!!!! I have never been so pumped to see someone at church before!

Anyways, we are having a lot of fun and success. Love you all, I hope you have a fun and invigorating week.
-elder Moses

Week o' fun

January 28, 2019

This week has been poppin' with all sorts of crazy things. We been been clocking in the work, and sometimes it feels like we are not getting anything done, but when I look back, there is so much growth.

one of the people we have on B date is Eunis, and 56 year old who has been smoking and drinking for most of her life. We have been sharing the lessons with her and have been reading the book of Mormon with her to help her understand. This week we taught about the Word of Wisdom, and we invited her to pray for strength with her temptations. She did, and when we said "Amen" She was filled with tears and received the confidence she needs to be ready to be baptized on the 24th.

We had two guys call us over from afar to ask us about our church because they had seen a video about our church on you tube... The asked about Joseph Smith, magic underwear, and how we believe we are to become like god. We talked with them for much longer than we should have, but they were basically just bible bashing us and telling us we were a cult. I took it all with a positive attitude, but it was really hard to listen to them try to tear us down. We were trying to help them understand about Prophets and Revelation, but they wouldn't listen to anything I said, even though I was using Bible verses. It brings to mind D&C 131, how "man cannot be saved in ignorance." I still feel like we need to try to talk to them again for some reason. They told us to repent and follow Jesus Christ. Then they tried to get my email so they could send me the same video haha.

I'm getting more comfortable with my teaching skills and my knowledge of the Gospel and it is actually really fun getting to share it with others! As members of this church, we all have something deep in us that drives us to share what we know with others, and after the meeting with the two youtube watchers, It shows how much more information that we have been given, thanks to modern day prophets. I know that this church is true, and we all have the privilege to study and receive our own personal witness of the truth.

Love ya'll!

-Elder Moser
This is a SWEET Toilet tower that this crazy guy is building that over looks durban.
 I took this picture so I know how to build one when I come home

 My planner. I'm really proud of it.

Me and Ndlovu

Da Bluff

POSTDATE: Update on remaining missionaries

March 25, 2020 Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders:   We want to give you an update on your missionary and the circumstances here in the ...