map of mission

map of mission

Baked Potatoes

January 6, 2020

Well well well, is it any surprise that it is hot? I'm telling you. Why am I not used to this yet? Even at night! What's worse is that we have been getting load shedding so the power will turn off at the worst time of the day, like when it's time for bed, so we gotta sleep without the fans on. :(  But, this area is nice, and most of the time we get a cool breeze.

This week was fun. We took a lot of taxis places. We talked to a lot of people. I've come to the conclusion that Indians either don't want to talk to us or they want to be the only ones talking. I'm also finding that those who have been "saved" are the ones that usually don't want to talk to us. While trying to talk to a nice Christian man, we tried to share about the temple and he told us to please leave because he wanted to end his day on a good note...

But that's okay, we find rejection sometimes. I am able to bounce back from it pretty easy now. Being bold is fun in the weirdest way, because you know who you are doing the work for and Christ sure does help us. We have even been sharing messages with Muslims. I have no idea if I'm saying the right things, but bearing testimony of Christ makes me feel good.

We followed up and taught a lady named Kogie this week. She was gone for a bit during the Holidays, but she took the Book of Mormon with her and read the ENTIRE thing! She is staying with a Hindu lady and they both enjoy our visits. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and the Spirit was oh so present, but then the Hindu lady left and I was soooo sad... But Kogie really likes what she is learning. She will get baptized when she starts coming to church, but right now she just loves her own church too much.

One day whilst contacting, we sat on a curb to take a rest. A man pulled up to us in his car and asked us what we were doing. He asked us to come visit him the following day and then gave us a lift home. I have never come so close to death as he pulled out in front of a speeding car in an intersection. I was the only one who saw it coming. But we visited him the next day and he apologized to us and treated us well. It was him and his wife, but then his daughter and granddaughter came as well so we were able to share a lesson with all of them in the sauna of a room:')

New Years here in Phoenix was very cool. Literally millions of fireworks everywhere. We spent like 5 minutes watching and then went back to sleep.

While walking around a taxi rank, a drunk man holding a can B-lined it for me. I saw him coming and tried to move out of the way, but he came at me so fast and shouted in my ear something like "VOT" and it scared me so bad that I stumbled a bit. Luckily only me and Elder Russell noticed so we had a nice laugh.

My English is getting terrible. I'm relying on spell check a lot right now. haha, I'm laughing!

Love you all:) Have a good week.
-Elder Moser

ps to Mom:  I'm okay Chelsee got married. I got over it a long time ago at the beginning of mission. Haven't really talked to any girls since then because there aren't any. My companion wants me to write some of his friends though. I wrote a letter to K8lyn Bird as well...

We went rock climbing today. I really liked it, I think I will do it more when I get home. My body is in pretty good shape right now, with running and lifting weights and stuff. I kinda depended on my leg muscles today while climbing, and right off the bat, the lady that was helping us was like "Woah, those are some muscles!" So, not to toot my own horn, but my legs are getting too big. They even asked me for my leg exercises lol.

We Men, Russell and Moser

We found a big box that was frozen themed and were the only ones inside. 

Letter to Mom

December 30, 2019

Thank you for remembering to email me xxooxxoo

This week was wild. It seemed like there was so much preparation for Christmas, then the day came and was gone again in the blink of an eye. We made sugar cookies to give to people and we also wrote our testimony in the Cover of the Book Of Mormon to give out to people. We didn't have any good time on Christmas to be able to give them to people, but we have made up for it by handing them out the other days of the week.

Speaking of which, I knew it would be hard to give the books out, so I prayed in the morning for one meaningful person to give a book to in my morning prayers. Near the close of the day, we were walking to an appointment that was really far from where we were. As we were crossing the street, I looked up to see a guy in a Nissan Champ asking us if he could give us a lift. We hopped in and he started to talk to us about how he was supposed to be a pastor like us, but he got too immersed in the world and has been having trouble getting out of it. I gave him the book that I had written in and told him it would give him the help he needs and he invited us to come back and see him. I look forward to it.

We spent a lot of time in an area called Palmview to try to meet new people, but just about everyone was Muslim or Hindu. We had a Hindu guy let us into his home and his daughter and son-in-law here there, and they were Christian. We shared about temples and fasting with them and I could feel it is exactly what they needed. How cool it is to have a temple so close by to teach people about. 

I'm happy, Mom! And don't worry, I'm very obedient:)
love you lots!
-Breadley boops

ps I have ripped 2 pair of slacks since starting to run. SOS

"We are all afflicted till the conflict is o're"

December 23, 2019

This title comes from a lady in our ward in Phoenix. My companion told me before we met here that she sings this hymn every time that she sees the missionaries. Sure enough, that's what she sang. Haha, this area is so cool.

This area is very cool but does not feel like I am in South Africa anymore. At all. Everyone is Indian. It feels like when I was in Belize with dad, but more hills and temples everywhere. There are actually a lot of Christian Indians who live here, so there are a lot of churches as well. What I have experienced so far is that everyone here loves to talk. Hard to get a comment in when everyone wants to preach to you. Super nice though!

Speaking of nice, we don't need to buy food here... My first night, we received 3 meals from our neighbors. I was eating some fruit in the kitchen when somebody started whistling at me from the window to ask if he could give us food and chocolate cake. Our fridge is filled with leftovers. People just want to give us their curry to be nice! Even if we tell them we have eaten! The people here are so nice. I have started working out twice a day to combat what could potentially happen to me this transfer.

Me and Elder Russell sang a song in church this Sunday. I got to play the Ukulele and we sang a duet to that song that my brother Nathan and I did a few years back. The ward is super cool and everyone wants to help us.

My companion is from Idaho falls and he knows Porter Williams, and I know his friend Lauren. We connected stories and it turns out that we have actually met each other. What a small world hey? We have made some good goals and plans for the next 6 weeks and we are optimistic for what we will be able to accomplish!

Love ya'll! Have joy.
-Elder Moser

Hi mum! Miss you lots right now!

Man, I miss eggnog. My companion is from Idaho falls and we talk to each other about a lot of stuff, one of them being eggnog. We want to make it. I was worried who my companion would be for christmas and my birthday, but God is mindful, I tell you what.

We have been super healthy. Working out twice a day and eating mainly fruit.... and Curry! haha. I did get some shoes and we have been running. I'm so sore right now, but I still have the form. Just gotta get the endurance up again. Running in humidity is no fun, but it feels nice to work out. I weigh less than I did when I came on mission!!! Give me some smoothie recipes to do, we have a blender.

Christmas is going to be the same as last year. Work and talking to you in the evening. The misson is to spread out to do any sort of activity unless we did a lot of planning. All is well though, those kinds of things exhaust me!

love you mum:)

Going Back to da Ocean

December 16, 2019

Wellllll...l I got transfer news and am going back to Durban Zone. I guess that's the place to be for me. The area I am going to is Phoenix, which is mostly Hindus and Muslims. It doesn't even feel like I'm in SA anymore, more like Bollywood. It's gonna be rough, but I know the Lord wants me there for a reason and I'm willing to align my will with his.

This week was rough. We have been tracting in an area trying to find new people to teach. There are also some members who stay there that we visit as well. Following up on people is hard in this complex. Well, they have a group chat that they talk to each other about the problems of the complex.  This week it was about "two white guys going around and judging everyone for drinking." One person even said we made her feel so guilty that she was thinking about quitting drinking entirely. Funny thing is that we didn't even say anything about the alcohol, that was just the spirit.

We also had another "Whatsapp" group talk about us in another area, and one of the members responded to let us in to "share the truth!" I realized in Sacrament meeting this Sunday that one of the most important roles of members is to give the missionaries hope and encouragement. Satan is working so hard everyday, so if we don't exceed his efforts, the work will fail. Do what you can to help!!!

We had exchanges with the zone leaders. I got to be with Elder Bezerra again, just like old times. We met with a guy named Stephen, and when we rocked up (arrived), he had been drinking. He was just a tad tipsy, so we shared with him and his girlfriend Light the World. They liked it and invited us back. On the way home that day, we had not one but TWO people stop us on our bikes to talk to us about how what we believe is false and we need to only read the Bible. I could tell they didn't want to fight, they just didn't have the right information. Don't discredit the Book of Mormon if you haven't read it. One thing I can testify about this week is that the spirit really does give you utterance in the time you need it most.

You can do it. Light the World isn't always the easiest thing to stay on top of, but I reckon you just do it as early in the day as you can. That way, it will be on your mind the whole of the day and you will be mindful of the other opportunities that will come:)

Love you all! Don't Forget to LIGHT THE WORLD!!! And have joy while doing it :)

My comps sores from playing paintball today! It was so much fun. Paintballing was approved,
but some elders were being dumb and decided to shoot each other really close without shirts on.
Don't worry, I didn't encourage nor did I participate.

Me with the Kambolo family!

Me with the Manda familly!

P.S. I'm glad the mission office likes me. I love them, especially the Howell's. They are like my parents away from home. We pranked just about everyone in the office haha. Remind me to tell you about it when we call, because it's some good stories. Also, I will be calling on Christmas day. 5:30 my time, which should be around 8 for you. Just always be ready though, just in case. I will call over facebook.

Light the World

December 9, 2019

Yeahhh, I was kinda worried that maybe you thought I would be in the hospital or something. Everything is fine, its just that last monday everything kidna went wrong. Our email place was down, so we couldn't email. We were given permission to email during the week but never found time.

Christmas this year is pretty good so far, and the weeks have been good as well. I am loving Chrismas a lot more this year. The weather is just as bad, but the christmas spirit is wonderful.

The light the world campaign is so cool. We have been trying to use it a lot these past few weeks. One miracle I have seen is when we were knocking a TON of complex doors. We gave a pamphlet to a family, but the mom was home with her small kids and she was busy, so we left our number. about 30 minutes later, when we were about to leave, we got a call from the husband who told us he just got home and wanted us to come by if we were still around so we dropped all of our stuff and hustled over there and it was a beautiful thing. They are from the Bluff as well so that was kind of a tender mercy. 

We also met some people who are very against God and want us to come clubbing with them. Some people haha..

Another thing that we got to experience was how God provides opportunities for us to serve if that is our desire. Even in the rain. Even when nobody is in the streets. There is always at least one person to help.

My testimony this festive season is simple. We learn in the Gospel through experience and through sacrifice. If you want to be happy living the Gospel, learn those two things sooner than later. That is when our Heavenly Father can help us to change.

Have joy and light the world!!  

Apparently waffles in this county are considered desert, so imagine the looks we recieved haha.

Showing off my sweat...

POSTDATE: Update on remaining missionaries

March 25, 2020 Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders:   We want to give you an update on your missionary and the circumstances here in the ...