map of mission

map of mission

LONG time

October 14, 2019

Goie Dag Everybody! I'm doing good in sunny South Africa! My shirts aren't white anymore and the sweat is hitting me full force and my shirts are slowly getting less white, but I'm enjoying the work a lot. Working on a university is super challenging and super different from ANY other sort of missionary work you could do, but the small miracles are really rewarding. 

We have been meeting with a student named Yamkela. We ran into him while he was eating his food alone in an amphitheater. We started talking to him about the gospel and he has expressed to us that knowing how to repent is something he has been wanting to learn more about because he wants to start changing his life. We have met with him a few times and tried to get him to come to church with us yesterday. He was planning on it, but when we went to his place to walk to church with him, his phone was off and we didn't know which house he stayed in. We said a prayer and hoped for a miracle and knocked some gates to find him, but then we ran out of time and had to go to chruch without him:(

We also ran into a white family this past week. That probably sounds super weird, but it is really uncommon to have white people let you in this mission. We decided to do more town work this week because pretty soon all the college students will be going home. We are doing more in town so we will have things to do when that time comes. We knocked on a few gates and got barked at by many doggos and had lots of people tell us to Voetsek, but after some gates we rang a doorbell on a small looking, clean nice house. After maybe a minute of standing there, A nice 84 year old lady came out and OPENED her gate for us from inside her house. We went in and talked to her through her door, then she very quickly invited us in to tell us more about herself. Her granddaughter and I think her Granddaughters boyfriend were there as well, and they allowed us to share the Restoration with them. They come from different churches but were very receiving to us and even let us come back yesterday. We shared the Book of mormon with them, and I'm just really excited to teach them more. 

 The work is good, We are having fun while doing it, and my companion looks just like cousin Ben. :)

Have joy this week!
-Elder Moser

This Brother bought us 10 PIZZAS

"I Love You."
My companion Elder Gomez

Is that a STorM I see coming?

 Roti face
To answer Mom's questions: You know, I feel everybody hears something different from conference. The answers I got all have to do with patience. Both with myself and with missionary work.

From your kitchen, I really miss roast beef with mashed potatoes, and Sweet n' sour chicken. MM. 
Fav sibling is Bella. 
Belly isn't really better, but it never bothers me during the day. Usually right when we get home, so it doesn't concern me too much. 
The weird/ Awkward thing was some black girls making weird gestures at me. I saw it in the wall mirror at mcDonalds haha. Was super Awkward. 
My favorite phrase is "She'll be right mate" It's kinda just like, an Australian phrase that you say whenever something could go bad but you risk it anyways. We say it a lot haha. 
Afrikaans is really hard to speak, but we are actually teaching an afrikaans family, so I'm trying to learn it, but I can't get the guterall sounds haha. 
I'm afraid of Spiders and we saw a GIANT huntsman spider just crawl accross my stuff while watching conference. I freaked out a bit haha. 
I'm being obedient:) Keeps me motivated. 
Everyone here is pretty much a student. It's becoming easier for me to talk to people, but pretty soon all the students will be out of school, so we will have to be working in town more. This place is a lot like the Bluff, except EVERY house is really nice.

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