map of mission

map of mission

Corona Virus Take Over

March 16, 2020

This week there is not much to tell about. My companion has become pretty sick, leaving us stuck in boarding. Now, the mission wants us to keep contact with anyone to a minimal and stay home if we are sick at all. I'm starting to get a little sick so that is fun too. Anyone remember what the world was like before all this virus nonsense?

We did meet someone who works at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga. Its the most expensive hotel in Durban, and she attended the temple and LOVED it. She said she had never felt a spirit like that before and wanted to know everything we could teach her. We taught her while sitting outside at Debonairs Pizza.

Other than that, there is not much to say. 

Till next week!
Elder Moser

To Mom:
Man, this week has been rough. My companion is sick...... :L

I have also been thinking a lot about how the church has been brought into our homes and food storage and all that good stuff, and it really strengthens my testimony about a modern day prophet, that is for sure! Sacrament meeting was strange, for it was only two of us and we didn't get permission to have it till the morning of. We cleaned our boarding according to the sacredness of the experience.

I don't know what the plan with this carona virus thing is, but South Africa just declared a state of emergency, and they are revoking all visas from countries with High risk, which includes America. I don't know what is going to happen from here.

Also, I'm drinking straight water lately. I don't feel any difference but I like the challenge :)

Letter From President Lines:

March 13, 2020

Dear Families and Priesthood Leaders of our Missionaries,

We are as concerned here in South Africa, as you may be in your home country, about the spread of the Covid-19 virus.  We are monitoring the situation closely and acting with faith and prudence as our Church leaders have directed.

First, the virus has reached South Africa, but at this time is very small and contained.  There are 8 cases in KwaZulu Natal and just one case in the Free State – the two states where our mission operates. 

Second, as directed by President Nelson, all regular church gatherings are canceled for the foreseeable future.  If there is a baptism scheduled it will be held with a minimum number of people present.  We are working on ways to hold Mission leadership activities using technology.

For now, the proselyting work will go forward, but with precautions.  As directed by the Southeast Africa Area Presidency all Missionaries have been told to follow the standard rules of hand-washing, keeping distance, avoiding handshakes and hugs, etc. We have our young missionary leadership following up weekly to ensure all preventive measures and standard rules are taking place.

Lekker Week

March 9, 2020

This week was awesome. The Online referral program is really saving us. If we didn't have it, I fear we would not have as much to do. We really do see miracles from it. I don't know how many times I have said that, so if you don't know yet, I LOVE it!!!

My skin has become like, 6 shades darker as we have trekked in the sun this week. There has been zero cloud coverage the entire week, but when we verbally express how we " Love the heat" it somehow makes our burdens lighter.

We have been grinding this week. I have been loving the work and trying to talk to people everywhere we go. Even to workers in stores. It feels so good to help people!!! Everyone is scared about the coronavirus, but I think they are all over reacting.

We had a really powerful experience yesterday after church. We had a man from the nearby township invite us to come and share something with him. The area is called Amaote and I have never been there before because all the Indians say it is too dangerous there and that we will be killed. We felt like we should go there anyways, so we took the hour long walk over a dodgy bridge that divides the area, then suddenly we were in a very busy township with everybody staring at these two mlungus walking around. Our guy, S'busiso came to meet us at the Library and then took us to his home. He told us to wait in his room while he gathered the "others" and then came back in with his entire family of like 6 or 7 people, and a bunch of kids. They had questions for us to answer: why are there so many churches and if God answers our prayers. It was perfect for us to teach the restoration and they heard everything we said. The men wanted to learn more about Priesthood authority so they could also baptize their family and bless them. They have righteous desires and a spirit you can feel. I'm super pumped to meet with them more!

I'm not sure if anyone noticed this but the last email I sent in comic sans.... Anybody? No? okay.

Love you all! Have a good week. Only a few seconds till mission is gone:(

-Elder Moser
March 2, 2020
Hey mom! 

I'm doing alright, but I could be better. I'm not getting much done with my companion and he hasn't done much since getting here. It is really hard for me to pull all the weight and it is getting the best of me. I wish it weren't like this haha. I've been studying the scriptures like crazy! It is the only way I can get myself out every day.

I miss the family a lot right now. There are so many things sgoing on back at home that I have a lot to look forward too, but I'm really scarred too. I'm not ready for the real world yet. Just trying to milk my mission experience right now..

Love ya

Miracle Week :)

February 24, 2020

Man, I thought this week was going to be a struggle but then we had some miracles happen. While trying to find a referral, we found the referrals brother instead, who was REALLY struggling. He confided in us and let us share how to keep satan from deceiving us with things that don't matter. That was nice to be a help, we will see him again next week.

We also visited a part member family, the Grandmother of a family in our ward. She visited the temple and felt the spirit so strongly when she saw the mirrors! Really cool.

Then, We walked in the heat of the sun to another referrals house and taught the restoration to him and his roommate. They had many questions and are eager to learn more!

Also got to visit a family of 3, yesterday after church. super cool family and we shared Moroni chapter with them and then shared about the Book of Mormon. The father even said, although he hasn't read the book yet, it seems completely possible and that he felt the spirit as we read from Moroni. The family committed to read it.

Twas a miraculous week.  I am super burnt and extremely tired, but I feel good about our efforts that we put in.

Love you!
-Elder Moser

I actually wondered this week if you miss me and talk about me all the time, so thank you for answering that question. The gae I play with my comp is chess. I'm getting better, and its kinda our bonding time together. He struggles with wanting to work, but I have talked to our zone leaders privately on how I can help him.

Temple Dedication!!!

February 17, 2020

We had a pretty ok week! We managed to talk to a few people who weren't JWs, but talked just as much if not more. In fact, whenever we got out of a good lesson, we would knock the house next door and it would be somebody who just wanted to challenge us. It has gotten old really fast and I have really had to Vent to my leaders. I'm doing okay though.

We have been helping more with the temple this week. I love having a temple close by. We receive maybe 5 referrals every day without even working for it haha, but let me tell ya, it is hard to stay on top of all of it. I don't even know some of the places these people stay in. But we had a youth devotional with Elder Rasband that we were invited to, so we watched the broadcast of that. Sister Rasband told a story of doing baptisms for the dead and having to take her glasses off to be baptized. When she would come out of the water she would see, clear on the screen, "smiling eyes" as if to show her those on the other side of the veil were accepting her proxy baptism. Out of 30, only one didn't have those smiling eyes, which made her heart drop because that person was not ready for it at that moment. It was really touching and super cool. As for Elder rasband, he spoke a lot about this "Vicarious work" That we need to perform. Something that stood out to me was that we do work here on earth for the living and the dead, so that the living AND the dead can have eternal life.

I understand the love that the brethren have for all of us more fully. Elder Rasband said, "well, how does christ love you? How does your heavenly father love you?" And I just really like how individual that love feels. Although it is addressed to everyone, it never feels like a collective love, but an individual one. I sure have felt that from reading the Book of Mormon and Jesus the Christ every day. I feel that relationship getting stronger, and I can feel my Savior's love, even when I feel alone:) But that's just my two bits.

Love you all!
-Elder Moser

POSTDATE: Update on remaining missionaries

March 25, 2020 Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders:   We want to give you an update on your missionary and the circumstances here in the ...