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map of mission

Temple Dedication!!!

February 17, 2020

We had a pretty ok week! We managed to talk to a few people who weren't JWs, but talked just as much if not more. In fact, whenever we got out of a good lesson, we would knock the house next door and it would be somebody who just wanted to challenge us. It has gotten old really fast and I have really had to Vent to my leaders. I'm doing okay though.

We have been helping more with the temple this week. I love having a temple close by. We receive maybe 5 referrals every day without even working for it haha, but let me tell ya, it is hard to stay on top of all of it. I don't even know some of the places these people stay in. But we had a youth devotional with Elder Rasband that we were invited to, so we watched the broadcast of that. Sister Rasband told a story of doing baptisms for the dead and having to take her glasses off to be baptized. When she would come out of the water she would see, clear on the screen, "smiling eyes" as if to show her those on the other side of the veil were accepting her proxy baptism. Out of 30, only one didn't have those smiling eyes, which made her heart drop because that person was not ready for it at that moment. It was really touching and super cool. As for Elder rasband, he spoke a lot about this "Vicarious work" That we need to perform. Something that stood out to me was that we do work here on earth for the living and the dead, so that the living AND the dead can have eternal life.

I understand the love that the brethren have for all of us more fully. Elder Rasband said, "well, how does christ love you? How does your heavenly father love you?" And I just really like how individual that love feels. Although it is addressed to everyone, it never feels like a collective love, but an individual one. I sure have felt that from reading the Book of Mormon and Jesus the Christ every day. I feel that relationship getting stronger, and I can feel my Savior's love, even when I feel alone:) But that's just my two bits.

Love you all!
-Elder Moser

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