map of mission

map of mission

New Transfer


Hello friends and Family!
 We had transfers this last week. I had to say goodbye to my dear friend and companion elder Russell last Thursday. We had to sleep over with the zone leaders with no electricity and a hot room. I got to spend the whole of Thursday wit hthe zone leaders in my old area, Kwamashu.  We did some cool things, including giving a blessing to a sick boy, and teach many families out of the come follow me.  We talked a lot out of nephi chapter 5 And the things we need to do in life to be happy. I realized that day that the Book of Mormon doesn’t MAKE us happy, it TEACHES us HOW to be happy ☺
 We took a taxi at some point while in Kwamashu full of School girls. They all took pictures and videos of us on the taxi. I guess they have never seen 3 mlungus in a township on a taxi before????
 My new companion is Elder Siebert from….. Well, he is from everywhere. His dad is an ambassador, so he has been to like, most countries. We have been trying to kick start this area. I’m getting a little frustrated with this area as of lately though. Most of the people we talk to are jehovahs witnesses. In fact, we were just in a second hand store and had about a 20 minute discussion with one. Most people here wont even listen to us because they are “already believers.”  I usually love tracting, but now its just making me frustrated.
 So, because of that I needed more motivation. I started to read jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon in the evening and night. I have felt the spirit so strong and really feel it motivate me to try harder and to be as obedient as possible. I’m looking forward to the days ahead☺

Pray for us y’all.

Have joy!
Elder Moser

My feet are good. I got insoles for them and they have been feeling much better. As for my pants, I looked at them after washing and they are torn in some weird spots, but I should be ok. There is that lady that we moved sewing machines for, I'm sure I could go to her if I need to.
The temple dedication is this sunday! Kinda cool how you know. We are just going to the Kwamashu chapel to watch it. We might watch all 3 sessions because My companion has never seen one before. Some members in our ward, including the bishop, get to attend the actual service. My temple recommend actually expires this month, so I'm so lucky! Coincidence? I think not.

Is this exchange student going to be there when I get home? Yes, I have a fly home date. June 12th. Mark that down on your calendar! 

I actually read a 200 page book on Joseph Smith this last week and there were multiple parts where I just had to set the book down and ponder what I was reading. you bet I felt the spirit! It motivated me immensely and brought me to tears. Many times. What a powerful family he had too. Jesse's dream really makes him like joseph, and I would definitely be Hyrum to him!

Temple x5

February 3, 2020

Really the only thing that happened this week was us going to the temple every day. We went with some of the people we are currently teaching! Every one of them could feel the spirit and the peace that is felt in the temple.

One thing I noticed while going through the open house was the simple beauty of the temple. It is the most magnificent building, but yet, the elegant details don't distract your thoughts from the Saviour and I really appreciate that :)

Enjoy some pictures!

My zone leader gave me a cosmic brownie and a Hershey bar!

I got to see a family from Bloemfontein that I never got to say goodbye to:))


Durban Temple Open House

January 28, 2020

Hello mumsy

I have been at the temple almost every day since it has been open. I have really noticed how different and empty I feel when I am not there. The Durban temple is beautiful in the most simple way. We get to be tour guides for the people we teach :) I have got to tour through the temple a few times. One job my companion and I got was we got to go through the temple by ourselves and straighten/ align everything so there was complete order. I felt like I had found my true calling. I moved benches and chairs so you could almost put a ruler up to them and they would all be in a perfect line with each other. We moved vases and lamps into a nice even spot. Everything that could become square, did. It gave me a new perspective on the temple in how much order the Lord expects. I also noticed how the chairs got moved pretty often, so I would have to move them back to place. That is kinda how we are sometimes. We need to line ourselves up every now and then.

We have an investigator ( who is moving to Joburg this week:() Who came with us to the temple today. She has been struggling with if she should be baptised or not, but she made up her mind today because halfway through the tour she asked us if she can be baptized. She said that she felt something she had never felt before in her whole life. I love it. I felt that too, while in the celestial room, I said a prayer, and for the first time in my life, I prayed for nothing but other people. Mostly the other people in the room with me, because many of them were not members. It was a super cool experience.

Love you mum!

Happeh (Happy)

January 20, 2020

I have been SO happy this week, and I think it has been due to us working our tails off. This week has felt really rewarding. It is hotter than ever, but I swear I didn't feel it at all.

First I just want to share a miracle. We were struggling to find transportation for some people we are teaching. They wanted a ride just the first time coming to church so they could find it for future days, because our chapel is hard to find. We couldn't get ahold of anybody to call. We decided to say a prayer for some extra help and we felt we needed to call brother Shane. He said he could give a ride to all the people who needed it and even us. A true hero. So willing. We were able to get one person we are teaching who has a broken foot.

After church on Sunday, we had one of our investigators come with us to Kwamashu to watch a baptism. When we were returning back to Phoenix, I heard her say to one of the ward members, "You will see me next week. I love it here." That made me so happy! She also found some long lost family who are members in our ward! How amazing.

We also got to do some service for a lady in our ward who needed 8 big industrial sewing machines moved out of her house. Those things were flippin heavy, but not too heavy for two Idaho boys. It was the hottest day of the week and we sweated a lot, but it felt good to do some physical labor.

This area is tough, but very rewarding. It helps me to see God's hand in the really small tender mercies, and it also helps me see God soften the hearts of the people here.

Love you all! Have a good week!:)
-Elder Moser

I get to help with the temple twice these next two weeks:) I know that they will probably just have us there to answer questions in the tent at the back. We will be there for about 10 hours. I hope my feet can handle it. I have been getting multiple blisters on my toes. It really hurts but we still out here doing the most!

We had a good week. My attitude was happy from the early morning till the end of the day every night except for the one where I didn't sleep. That was no fun.

Love ya mum!

Forget About Yourself

Bradley sent us an original song! 1/15/2020

And if you're having the worst type of day
Better days will come
There's something that gives the courage to change
So try it and push on:

And forget about yourself!
Forget about yourelf.
When you're alone and you need help
Go and serve someone else.

If you're really trying to listen
The Holy Ghost can speak to you
Someone out there is needing
What only you can do.
So forget about yourelf.
Forget a bout yourself!
When you're alone and you need help
Go and serve someone else.

Forget about yourself.
Forget about yourelf!
When you're alone and you need help
Go and serve someone else.
Go and love someone else.
Go and love someone else.
Go and love someone else.

Khakhulu Food

January 15, 2020

With all the exercise we do, somebody pointed out to me that I am getting bigger...

Well on that note, we are having a lot of food still. We got dinner 3 times yesterday that we just put it in containers for the fridge. On my birthday, Wednesday, we even had a member teach us how to make curry. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to cook it though because we don't cook here XD. I'll have to save it for when I am home.

Also, thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! The big 21!

We put in some good work recently. Let me share a few stories.
The first one we had with a man named Harri. Whenever we see him he isn't wearing a shirt and he always tells us he took it off because of the heat. A few days before seeing him, we dropped by to remind him of his commitment to read the Book of Mormon. When we saw him again, he had read and he even remembered. We had a good discussion and some of the concerns he brought up led into 2 Nephi 2. We read a bit with him and then committed him to read 1 chapter every day until the next time we see him again.

The next cool thing that happened this week was with the Govender and Pillay family. They stay right next door to a member that we visit. We decided to go and talk to them one day and they invited us to share something with them. The man of the home is a pastor, but just part time which makes things easier. We shared the first Book of Mormon video with them as an introduction and asked them inspired questions. The spirit led the discussion and all of us felt it. The pastor, Nathaniel, asked us if the Book of Mormon talked of the gift of tongues like the Bible, so we left them with Moroni 10 to read. Then they fed us a TON of food. The ushe (usual), ya know.

This week was really good. Wish my fingers had the strength to type everything up. Love Ya'll! have a great week :)

-Elder Moser

Hey mom! My birthday was much better than last years, that is for sure. My companion woke me up with a firecracker so I was woken up with a jolt haha. Good fun though. The day didn't have much to it, we just visited some people and then at night the RS president's family taught me how to make a proper curry.

I keep ripping my pants haha. They fit a little too tight now, I hope that isn't a problem....

I miss my siblings. Jess is telling me all the hype things he is doing. I also called Nathan on Monday. Oh, btw, I have my real P-day today because we had zone conference on Monday.

We have visited up on a lot of the people we visited last week. Kogie is going to come with us to church this Sunday. There is a baptism we want her to attend. There have been a lot of people here that when they talk about their church, they first mention how big the building is. Then, when I ask what they look forward to most in church, they say the people and things that they shouldn't be going to church for. We talk about Sacrament a lot. 

Crazy you saw K8. I have been communicating with her recently so I wonder if it is a coincidence you saw each other. I still really like her and hope she is around when I get home.

Love you mummy:)

POSTDATE: Update on remaining missionaries

March 25, 2020 Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders:   We want to give you an update on your missionary and the circumstances here in the ...