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map of mission

Baked Potatoes

January 6, 2020

Well well well, is it any surprise that it is hot? I'm telling you. Why am I not used to this yet? Even at night! What's worse is that we have been getting load shedding so the power will turn off at the worst time of the day, like when it's time for bed, so we gotta sleep without the fans on. :(  But, this area is nice, and most of the time we get a cool breeze.

This week was fun. We took a lot of taxis places. We talked to a lot of people. I've come to the conclusion that Indians either don't want to talk to us or they want to be the only ones talking. I'm also finding that those who have been "saved" are the ones that usually don't want to talk to us. While trying to talk to a nice Christian man, we tried to share about the temple and he told us to please leave because he wanted to end his day on a good note...

But that's okay, we find rejection sometimes. I am able to bounce back from it pretty easy now. Being bold is fun in the weirdest way, because you know who you are doing the work for and Christ sure does help us. We have even been sharing messages with Muslims. I have no idea if I'm saying the right things, but bearing testimony of Christ makes me feel good.

We followed up and taught a lady named Kogie this week. She was gone for a bit during the Holidays, but she took the Book of Mormon with her and read the ENTIRE thing! She is staying with a Hindu lady and they both enjoy our visits. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and the Spirit was oh so present, but then the Hindu lady left and I was soooo sad... But Kogie really likes what she is learning. She will get baptized when she starts coming to church, but right now she just loves her own church too much.

One day whilst contacting, we sat on a curb to take a rest. A man pulled up to us in his car and asked us what we were doing. He asked us to come visit him the following day and then gave us a lift home. I have never come so close to death as he pulled out in front of a speeding car in an intersection. I was the only one who saw it coming. But we visited him the next day and he apologized to us and treated us well. It was him and his wife, but then his daughter and granddaughter came as well so we were able to share a lesson with all of them in the sauna of a room:')

New Years here in Phoenix was very cool. Literally millions of fireworks everywhere. We spent like 5 minutes watching and then went back to sleep.

While walking around a taxi rank, a drunk man holding a can B-lined it for me. I saw him coming and tried to move out of the way, but he came at me so fast and shouted in my ear something like "VOT" and it scared me so bad that I stumbled a bit. Luckily only me and Elder Russell noticed so we had a nice laugh.

My English is getting terrible. I'm relying on spell check a lot right now. haha, I'm laughing!

Love you all:) Have a good week.
-Elder Moser

ps to Mom:  I'm okay Chelsee got married. I got over it a long time ago at the beginning of mission. Haven't really talked to any girls since then because there aren't any. My companion wants me to write some of his friends though. I wrote a letter to K8lyn Bird as well...

We went rock climbing today. I really liked it, I think I will do it more when I get home. My body is in pretty good shape right now, with running and lifting weights and stuff. I kinda depended on my leg muscles today while climbing, and right off the bat, the lady that was helping us was like "Woah, those are some muscles!" So, not to toot my own horn, but my legs are getting too big. They even asked me for my leg exercises lol.

We Men, Russell and Moser

We found a big box that was frozen themed and were the only ones inside. 

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