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map of mission

I'm Getting Tired

Date: Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 9:28 AM
I'm getting tired because The mission schedule changed. We don't have Bakkis anymore, so we walk everywhere or take the crazy taxis. To make our days more effective, we wake up at 6, start proselyting at 8:30, and have to be in and safe at 6:30. Waking up 30 minutes earlier is a lot harder for me for some reason... I'm not even getting any less sleep.

July is the coldest month here. I just learned that Lesotho is the only place in Africa that has a ski resort, so that Is pretty cool! Next winter Olympics? Actually, you could have the summer AND winter Olympics here. In the same day, too.

The people we teach often have paraffin heaters in their homes. One man we teach, Thabo, has a bad heater and the fumes burn our eyes really bad. In the lessons, it will look like we are all crying. Maybe that will further the point of how much the gospel means to us?

We had a man this week while we were walking to our boarding turn around right in front of our boarding to start yelling at us and it was kinda scary not gonna lie. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. We gave him a restoration Pamphlet, but he ripped it up....

There is an old man who lives close to where we live that will drop whatever he has to wave,if we wave at him. Sometimes bread, sometimes sticks. This morning we brought cookies to him and sang a hymn to him. He doesn't speak English, so that is about all we could do.

Life with my companions is a blast. We are finally figuring out how to work good in a threesome, and I'm getting a lot more talking time. I even extended my first invite for baptism! good things are happening in Lesotho.

We all eat pretty good, and we realize that we need to cut back. last Monday Elder Ah Sam and I bought a big box of cookies, and he has been going through them like crazy. Elder Homer will often have to get in the middle and tell him to look at his life and that he is going to get fat, and it makes me laugh SO hard. you would think that elder Homer is telling Elder Ah Sam to put a gun down hahaha.

I love it here! I haven't had any problems with homesickness so far, and I hope that I never do. It is more important for me to be here. We met a man who was interested in why we were dressed so nice, and wanted to hear our message. Before we started, we told him to pay attention to how he was feeling, and after a powerful lesson, he said he felt like he was in heaven. We invited him to church and he came! He said afterwards that he felt like he was floating. What an awesome thing. He is so receptive to the spirit.

I took a picture with a drunk guy. I wan't to figure out how to upload that picture sometime because it is super funny.

Pray for me that I don't die from the cold! And please send me emails and pictures on how life is going for all of you! 

I love you all! I think I am going to start doing audio emails so that I can say a lot more.
-Elder Moser

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