map of mission

map of mission


December 12, 2018

It's ya boii

I got my son this week! His name is elder Ndlovu from Joburg, and he is super pumped up and ready to do some missionary work. It is fun being a father, and I see a lot of myself in him from when I was being trained. Like being scared to talk in lessons, or not saying much in lessons. That will change quickly though. He is teaching me how to speak Zulu!!! I am such a slow learner, but I am hoping to be able to pick up a bit for when I come home and find a zulu girl at BYUI.

We have been working our tails off and have met all sorts of people. We met an Antichrist dude who tried telling us that Our church is a cult and that he needed proof and all sorts of stuff, but I bore testimony of the Book of Mormon, and gave him a copy, trusting that he will read it, because He seemed like the person that will. 

We also were walking to an appointment when a lady in a bakkie stopped to ask us what church we were from, with a friendly smile on her face. We told her, then she asked if we have a service on Sunday. We said yes and invited her, while trying to give her a Restoration pamphlet, when suddenly she Flipped on us! "Nowhere in the bible does it say to worship on Sunday! We are supposed to worship on Saturday! Go read your bible! I'm trying to give you salvation!" and lots Of stuff like that. We tried explaining to her that the day we worship doesn't matter as much as if we set apart a day dedicated to God. And really, we should be worshiping the Lord every day of our lives, but she wouldn't let us speak and then drove off. Elder Ndlovu was a little bummed after that, so I had to calm him down. Interestingly enough, 7th days are the only church that ever want to fight with us here...

We have walked a lot in this heat, and it is paying off. We had a lesson with a Zimbabwean lady who got robbed on a busy street in the middle of the day and she was pretty upset because she lost everything. We Taught about the Plan of Salvation and she was a lot better after that. There was also an 11 year old girl who listened in and I was really impressed by how smart she was and the questions she was asking. Both are scheduled to be baptized. 

Ha. haha. I am interested to see how well my small talk is with people that are not missionaries. Small talk with black people whose predominant language is Zulu is a lot different than talking to white people. 

Sister Howell is Awesome! With the recent Transfer, she and her husband took us to a place to eat called Spur. I wasn't too hungry, but we got to talk to them a bit, and I like them. They have already served a mission in Singapore, which is where Bradlynn Christiensen is right? It's also where Ben Delis from Belize is. I got my packages and all the missionaries were trying to get me to open it, but I held my ground. Sorry to disappoint them, but I just am really trying to exercise discipline.

Love youz guys! I'll catch ya next week!
-Elder Mozer

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